Saturday, August 4, 2012

When The Power Goes Out

Losing power to your home or office can happen 24/7, 12 months out of the year. That is why it is always smart to consider a back up generator. Whether you lose power when the temperature is 110 or -10 degrees, it can be a very uncomfortable and possibly life threatening situation. Families with infants, members that are on oxygen, illness or elederly need to consider the risk at hand when the power goes out.

Waiting until the power goes out and then frantically trying to find a professional service tech to get it back on is the worst decision a family or business owner can make. Frantically searching for a professional technician when several people may be experiencing the same sitution can only prolong the discomfort.

A back up generator can be the answer for sure. And any big box store employee will be happy to sell you one from their department. This has caught may families off guard when they are told by a technician that the generator is not properly sized to fit their needs. Their money was not well spent.

Or the place that they purchased the generator did not give them proper use instructions, causing damage or injury to their home, family, powerline technicians, ect.

Always consult a trained professional company to purchase and install a back up generator in your home! Find out your options from manual start to automated start. Be safe and be smart using generators, your family's life may depend on it.

At Mister Sparky, we offer a full consultation prior to your purchase to be sure your needs are met. We are a dealer of Generac Generators and are here to advise, install and service your generator needs.

Call us today at 580-256-1151 in the Woodward area. You will be glad you did.

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